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Excellence in Analog & Digital Electronics |
Bagotronix Inc. 2900-1 Crescent Drive Tallahassee, FL 32301 USA (850) 942-7905 voice fax Sales: sales@bagotronix.com Tech support: techsupport@bagotronix.com |
[ Feature Locator ] [ Specifications ] [ Compatibility ] [ Software Development ] |
DOS Stamp™ Feature Locator return to top |
Some parts omitted for illustration purposes. Shown with options. |
1. | 40 MHz CPU (2 DMA channels, power save modes, 3 timer/counters, 2 UARTs, general purpose I/O, 80186 instruction set) return to photo |
2. | 512K SRAM return to photo |
3. | 256K flash (128K BIOS and DOS, 128K flash disk) return to photo |
4. | Year 2000 ready real time clock with timed power-up and external power-up input return to photo |
5. | 17x2 header with 16 digital I/O, connects to industry standard I/O module mounting boards return to photo |
6. | 2 RS-232 serial ports. Second serial port may be optionally configured for RS-485 instead. return to photo |
7. | Timed power-up circuit (requires off-board PNP or P-MOSFET transistor, or relay) return to photo |
8. | 8-channel, 12-bit ADC (optional) with built-in S/H, reference, and software configurable input ranges (0 to +5V, 0 to +10V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V) return to photo |
9. | 32-pin DIP socket accepts optional 256K or 512K flash, or DiskOnChip® 2000 for up to 144 MB of non-volatile storage return to photo |
10. | Voltage monitor ensures valid conditions for CPU operation. return to photo |
11. | 20x2 multipurpose header with these functions: · Simple bus interface for easy expansion (AD0 - AD7, A0 - A2, ALE, RD#, WR#, 2 chip selects, 2 interrupts) · External reset input · Reset output · External power-up input · Power-up output · RS-485 +/- · RS-232 RX, TX (x2) or RS-232 RX, TX, RTS, CTS · +5V and GND power input · 8 analog inputs · Analog reference voltage output return to photo |
Power requirements: +5 V
at 200 mA (40 MHz full speed), software programmable for lower speeds
with less power consumption: 1/2 speed: 120 mA 1/4 speed: 80 mA 1/8 speed: 60 mA 1/16 speed: 50 mA 1/32 speed: 40 mA |
PC board: 6-layer FR-4 with VCC and GND planes for low RFI and good EMC. |
Dimensions: 2.600 x 2.000 x 0.625 in. |
Environmental: 0-70° C, wider ranges available. No heatsinks or derating required. |
DOS Stamp™ Compatibility return to top |
The DOS Stamp™ is 100% instruction set compatible with the 8086, with extensions for enhanced performance. However, the DOS Stamp™ interrupt, timer, DMA, and UART peripherals are not software compatible with the 8259, 8253, 8237, and 8250 used in the PC. This means the DOS Stamp™ will not work with programs which use these peripherals. Example programs are included with the DOS Stamp™ Starter Kit which show how to work with the DOS Stamp™ peripherals. Call our engineering department to discuss your concerns or direct an e-mail to techsupport@bagotronix.com. |
DOS Stamp™ Software Development return to top |
Developing your embedded application software is as easy as programming a PC. With the DOS Stamp™, you can use any compiled language which has I/O input and output functions and produces a stand-alone EXE. |
The DOS Stamp™ is supplied with a C library which contains example programs and functions to operate the I/O hardware and speed your application development. |
Stamp™ is a trademark of Bagotronix Inc. DiskOnChip® 2000 is a registered trademark of M-Systems Inc. |
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